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Storm in The North the table tennis year

The Table Tennis Years.

This is the one we’re focussing on now. Want to join us? Book us, partner with us? Send us a photo of a father and son with two table tennis bats for our gallery?

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Commissioned by Chester Bandstand and performed by Paislie Reid. Based on the story of a Syrian baker who wanted to go home and real interviews with Syrian refuges and escapees across Europe, it tells the story of a woman who has hope. It is in production and will be filmed in the north over the next few weeks.

Storm In The North Lightning Under Their

Lightning Under Their Skirts

A musical piece set in the 6O’s. Written by celebrated poet Joy Winkler.  We have already toured the first half of this play as an experiment – an experiment in the play, and to see if Storm in the North was a going concern. Conclusion: we could and it is. TBH we followed the first half of the show with a pretty cheesy quiz with live music. But now Joy has written a sparkling second half – and the show (with more Babycham and cheese and pineapple on sticks) is ready to go.


Who do you Carry?

A surprising, currently unperformable (!) piece about trust and intimate physical contact. The performer carries the audience, sharing intimate stories of who we carry.

Storm in The North Rice Puddings Of The

Rice Puddings of the World.

Kevin Dyer has travelled the world eating rice puddings – hot cold, sweet, spiced, for breakfast, dinner and tea. All the time collecting the stories of family that go with them. This intimate evening with a passionate pudding maker tells the story of nine wonderful women who have all made rice puddings and laughed till their bellies ached. It is of course an evening of world-wide stories and international food.

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